Introductory Questions

  1. Danny Aguirre
    Majoring in Computer Science
    Minoring in Spanish
  2. I have very limited experience with html and and css prior to this class and no design experience. I took this class as I hope it will teach me about design concepts as well as allow me a way to improve my html and css skills.
  3. I have very limited experience as it is something I am doing in another computer science course currently.
  4. I hope to learn design concepts and how to incorporate them when designing webpages and other things.
  5. I would expect that the designer would have to take into account the different ways in which we actually interact with the screen versus the paper. For example taking into account link accessibility and other factors on screen but not on paper.
  6. ETQ.
    1. The website is clean and very minimilistic. Does not have distracting features.
    2. By being minimilistic it allows the user to focus on the companies products, their shoes.
  7. Google
    1. Once again provides a minimalistic design while providing the user with the services that they came for.
    2. First screen is free of distractions and search results are provided in an easy to read list. This list communicates important information with the user.
  8. Symbolab
    1. This website keeps things organzed with various tabs whiel still offering the user a wide varierty of mathmatical operations.
    2. Symbolab is also easy to navigate and allows easy ways for users to enter their inputs.